Thursday, April 16, 2009


Easter Sunday...a few days late due to severe SUGAR RUSH!! Notice Bode even got a basket, filled with things he can't have, which really means...treats for mom! His cute little basket turns into a camouflage hat...which turned out to be about 4 sizes too big!!
Paige was very concerned that the Easter Bunny came to our house in the middle of the night to leave baskets, but not hide eggs. She informed us that it just wasn't right...he was supposed to come while we were at church!

The biggest hit this year was the Webkinz! We saw these double packs at Costco for a great price, but of course couldn't get the girls to agree on one pack with a Webkinz for each in it. I had planned to get them each one anyway, so for a couple bucks more, they each got 2! SPOILED!

Poor little Bo...doesn't even care about the treats inside...he was too enthralled by the colorful packaging and the noises they made!

FINALLY...all cleaned up, ready for church! I had seen these dresses at Costco months ago and wanted them, but didn't snatch them up fast enough before they were gone! So I settled for different ones, buying Bode a matching outfit for those. Then, the day before Easter, Costco did something they have never done before...they got in another shipment!! What can I say...I'm a sucker for dresses, so each kid got two Easter outfits.

1 comment:

Heather said...

What a fun Easter! Your girls and little Bode look adorable! Thanks for dealing with us at lunch last week. We loved seeing you!